


Massachusetts, 1987. Fran is a college-educated bag of nerves with a head full of philosophy and an unhealthy obsession with Franz Kafka. In the late hours of the night she cold-calls men across America who have the surname Kafka in hope of finding her soulmate. But the Kafkas of her day are more interested in phone sex than philosophy and, as the night wears on, rejection after rejection take their toll. Fantasy begins to merge with reality and Fran’s fragile mental state threatens to collapse like a house of cards.a head full of philosophy and an unhealthy obsession with Franz Kafka. In the late hours of the night she cold-calls men across America who have the surname Kafka in hope of finding her soulmate. But the Kafkas of her day are more interested in phone sex than philosophy and, as the night wears on, rejection after rejection take their toll. Fantasy begins to merge with reality and Fran’s fragile mental state threatens to collapse like a house of cards.

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Gefilte Fish

On its surface, Gefilte Fish is a story of one family meal in the Bronx. That brief moment in time connects past, present, and future, revealing trauma from the Holocaust, incest, and loss of parents — and the silence that perpetuates the pain.

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Frum Dogs of Hendon

Seen as aggressive and dirty, dogs have had a bad reputation in religious Jewish circles for centuries. Dog lovers in Hendon (UK) however, prove that being Frum and having a furry, four-legged best friend are not mutually exclusive.

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A mother, a father and two daughters are on their way to a holiday feast. The girls are sleeping peacefully in the back seat, but their tranquility is disturbed when their dad hears a beloved song and tries to share the experience with them. A terrific and relatable comedy starring the filmmaker”s real-life family.

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Exodus 91 (with BrownWhite)

A hybrid docudrama film that follows Israeli diplomat, Asher Naim, on a seemingly insurmountable mission to bring 15,000 Ethiopian Jews to Israel. As Asher learns more about these African Jews, he finds himself between worlds and facing a crisis of faith in himself and his country. The docudrama follows the behind-the-scenes politics leading up to Operation Solomon – the two day airlift in May 1991 pulled off in climactic chaos of the Ethiopian Civil War.

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Dreyfus Drei

Dreyfus Drei is a film about family, identity and returning to Germany from Australia Australian Jewish artist Ella Dreyfus grew up with little knowledge of her family’s tragic losses in the Holocaust. She sets out to uncover their history with her uncle George in Melbourne and her cousin Jonathan in Berlin, and finds her own way of re-connecting to Germany. The short documentary is a poetic film that follows Ella’s search for the Dreyfus’ histories and traces of her late father’s life.

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Cinema Rex

In the divided city of Jerusalem in 1938, a Jewish boy and an Arab girl form a special friendship at The Cinema Rex based on one mutual language – the language of cinema.

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Between Walls

Within the borders of the Old City of Jerusalem Platoon C, a special army unit, is there to keep things calm and secure. The platoon includes a unique combination of characters from all corners of Israeli society, supporting each other in their difficult task. Despite daily tensions and also violence at this most special place on earth, the soldiers strive to achieve external and internal peace each day from a new.

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