Mini festival|Virtual screening

Passover Film Festival

Join with Jewish film lovers from across the country from April 14-24 to participate in the first ever national Passover Film Festival. In addition to eight great movies, there will be articles and interviews linking the films to the themes of the holiday. With the events in Ukraine, this is a particularly poignant time to be celebrating the “Festival of Freedom.”

Note: The Passover Film Festival is a special event and will work differently from AJFF’s regular programming. All movies are hosted by the national event organizer and will run off their Eventive system. These films will not be on AJFF’s Elevent/CineSend platform.

If you are an AJFF365 subscriber, you will receive an email before April 10th with specific instructions on how to watch any or all of these films for FREE! If you don’t see that email by April 10th, please check your SPAM folder, or send a message to for additional help. To become an AJFF365 subscriber now, click here.

For non-subscribers to AJFF365:

  • Passes give access to all eight films and cost just $18, plus a $1.95 ticketing fee. Use discount code ajff2022 to save 20% on your purchase.
  • Tickets for individual films are only $5 each, plus a $1.25 ticketing fee. Use discount code ajff2022 to save $1 per ticket.
  • Note: The discount code is case sensitive. It also lets the organizers know you are from the Austin Jewish Film Festival so we get credited for your participation.

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Israel Independence Day Film Festival

Join with Israeli film lovers from across the country from May 4-9 to participate in the first ever Israel Independence Day Film Festival. In addition to eleven great movies, there will be bonus materials to enhance your enjoyment.

Note: The Israel Independence Day Film Festival is an AJFF Connect special event and NOT part of the AJFF365 film series. All viewers will need to obtain a pass to participate from the Israel Independence Day Film Festival website. These films will not be on AJFF’s Elevent/CineSend platform.

To participate in this festival, purchase a pass on the Israel Independence Day Film Festival website. Tickets for individual films are not available. Use discount code AJFF2022 to save 20%.

Note: The discount code is case sensitive. It also lets the organizers know you are from the Austin Jewish Film Festival so we get credited for your participation. The festival is available to participants throughout North America – feel free to share our discount code with your family and friends.

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