Negishut נְגִישׁוּת neºgiºshºut – The Hebrew word for accessibility.
What is the problem?
Visual impairment is a barrier to certain members of the AJFF audience viewing foreign language festival films with subtitles as some viewers have difficulties reading them. There is currently no system in place for offering accommodations in the language of the viewer.
How do we propose to address the problem?
We propose to initiate Project Negishut and have volunteers record themselves reading movie subtitles that can then be supplied to visually impaired viewers as an MP3 file. The end user can then play back the MP3 on their own device in addition to, or in place of, the film’s original soundtrack.
Recordings are planned to be shared with other Jewish Film Festivals, so the impact of this work will be far reaching.
AJFF is teaming up with Jewish Family Services to plan a trial of Project Negishut and volunteers are needed.
Volunteer Skill set needed:
Key attributes for the volunteers doing this work are as follows:
- Be reliable: Volunteers will follow directions and meet deadlines.
- Honors the confidentiality of the process: Volunteers will be provided with movie links that must not be shared with anyone else under any circumstances.
- Able to read in a strong, clear voice: The ability to vary the narration based upon different characters’ dialogue would be a bonus.
- Has basic technology skills: Volunteers must be to access and play the provided video link and to record themselves using a phone or computer app.
- Willingness to volunteer their time: Only a modest time commitment is required.
If interested, there is also the opportunity for the volunteer to join AJFF’s film screening committee that helps select films that the festival exhibits.
Potential Candidates:
This volunteer role has diverse potential. Any individual or groups who meet the skill set criteria will be considered. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Bar/Bat Mitzvah students
- Jewish youth group members
- Young adult professional groups
- Retirees
- Actors
- Community partners
- Film enthusiasts
- College Students …
Next steps:
To volunteer, contact Joan Eisenberg Maniere, Volunteer & Community Experience Director at Shalom Austin Jewish Family Services at joan.maniere@shalomaustin.org