“This film is set inside the inner sanctum of a symphony hall and tells the story of a childless Israeli musical couple seeking to form a family.”
Abraham is the conductor of the Jerusalem Philharmonic Orchestra, and his wife, Sarah, is the harpist. With no children, their melancholy life revolves around their music. In this contemporary adaptation of the biblical story of Abraham and Sarah, Hagar, a young horn player from East Jerusalem, joins the orchestra and forms a close personal relationship with both Sarah and Abraham, eventually agreeing to carry the couple’s baby. Two rival prodigies are born—one Jewish, one Arab—but neither want to take the course laid out for them by their parents. Nominated for five Israeli Academy Awards and winner of the Best Cinematography and Lia Van Leer Jewish Heritage
awards at the Jerusalem Film Festival.
Film: 98 minutes
Director: Ori Sivan
Production country: Israel
Year: 2016